Thursday, September 23, 2010

essay examples

I really liked the power point one. I liked that one, becasue I want to do a powerpoint, and i like the way the person did theirs. I like how she set it up..with all the picture and the music and the time she had each slide up for was perfect.
 I also liked the person's essay that he wrote explaing what he did and why he did everything. He was very percise and explained everything.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

essay option?

I was planning on doing my essay/project on the fact that I would read alot, but then when movies started to come out about the books, like Harry Potter, I started to stop reading and watch the movies instead. I now pritty much stoped  reading completely, I havent read abook outside of school in 3 years.

I was gonna do my project on either power point or movie maker.  I was gonna use pictures and music to go along with my slides.