Thursday, December 2, 2010

movie review on Devil wears prada

The movie "Devil wears Prada", wasn't one of my favorites by far. The introduction to the movie was way too long, and the music choice that they picked for the movie was awful.  The first 10 minutes of this movie was so boring, that it didnt even keep my attention.  The character that played the editor and cheif of the fashion magazine, drove me up a wall.  After listening to her yelling and complaining about every little thing, I didnt want to speak to anyone for hours; all I could think of was her.  Besides the drawn out and boring introduction, the movie was pritty good, and so was the acting as a whole.

Thursday, November 18, 2010


When we do research, especially for research papers, make sure you read your paper or outline, so that you know exactly what you are soposed to be doing.  You should also come up with a plan, a plan of what your going to be researchin, and when, and how.  You want to pick a topic that you will be able to research and will be able to get information on. Dont be afraid to ask for help, you could ask your teachers, or even librarians would be extremely helpful sources and can help you greatly.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Introductions 354-358

Introductions shoulld announce your paper or your project. Introductions declare your topic, and say how it will be presented. Introductions set the tone, as well as present background information. They also catch the reader's attention. Many readers, use the first paragraph which is the intro, to determine if they should continue reading the material. Most people believe that they must write the introduction right away and as the first thing they do. That is nothing further from the truth, you can write the intro when you are ready, you can even write it last if you so chose.

readings 222-235

the blog I am writing today, has to do with style. Rhetorical and critical analysis that you write in school, are usually done in high style. This means that your tone should be respectful, and your vocabulary may be technical at times.  Also you should avoid using "I" and "you". One thing that people should keep in mind, is that the reader should be able to understand the text, and what you are trying to say. When it comes to quotes, sometimes it is best to only summerize it, for the best quality.

Thursday, October 14, 2010


I have always learned that a thesis usually comes in the beginning of an essay.  I like that the text says that it doesnt necesarily have to be at the beginning, becasue you dont always know what you are gonna do, so you can start writing and in the middle of the essay, when you find out what you acually want to prove, you can put the thesis in.


I agree that we should make a draft fairly quickly, and edit that right away. You dont wana wait till the last minute to make sure your essay or project is done corectly.  However, you dont want to spend too much time editing it, becasue you might forget the original theme, and it could change completely.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

essay examples

I really liked the power point one. I liked that one, becasue I want to do a powerpoint, and i like the way the person did theirs. I like how she set it up..with all the picture and the music and the time she had each slide up for was perfect.
 I also liked the person's essay that he wrote explaing what he did and why he did everything. He was very percise and explained everything.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

essay option?

I was planning on doing my essay/project on the fact that I would read alot, but then when movies started to come out about the books, like Harry Potter, I started to stop reading and watch the movies instead. I now pritty much stoped  reading completely, I havent read abook outside of school in 3 years.

I was gonna do my project on either power point or movie maker.  I was gonna use pictures and music to go along with my slides.